Saturday, October 23, 2010

Voices From The Herd Reading & Signing Booked For November 5th. Mark Your Calendars!

Hey all,
Cindy Mantai and Justine Janora have booked a reading and signing on Friday, November 5th at 7:30 p.m. at Spot Coffee on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa for the first of many promotions for Voices From The Herd. If you are a contributor and you would like to read and/or attend, please JOIN the discussion on the official group page and state your intentions. They've asked me to message all of you so that we can reach as many members as possible. If you aren't a contributor and you're interested in attending so that you can support Just Buffalo and the project by buying a copy of the book and having it signed by the contributors, please join the discussion on the group page and let us know about that, too. We'd like to have a ballpark idea of how many copies to bring to Spot so that we don't sell out before we meet demand.
And finally, if anyone is willing to loan PA equipment for the event, we're looking for a microphone, a mic stand and some speakers/equalizers for the event. Please remember that this is a non-profit publicity junket, so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your interest in Voices From The Herd and we hope to see you there!

Tom Waters

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mission Statement Of Sorts

     Welcome to the new site.  Since founding Doubt It Publishing two years ago, it's about time that we had an official site for interested consumers, curious authors, and puzzled literary agents.  With five published and successful books under our belt, it's high time that we made our presence known.
     Doubt It Publishing was conceived almost a decade ago as a means to trumpet the unbelievable talent and untapped potential of a strong literary undercurrent in Buffalo, NY.  There are too many unsung and brilliant voices in the region and instead of charging unreasonable 'entry fees' for contests, hooking up our pals for book deals and publishing their books under vanity presses with university connections or funding the company for our own selfish means while extorting the raw talent that fuels us, we decided to do something honest.
     This is the beginning of a new publishing house.  Reasonable publishing commissions for a select number of new authors per year.  As a founder and fellow writer, I'm not out to exploit someone else's work and I have no desire to profit on someone else's brain child since we're in the same boat.  I plan on paying charging 15% on sales of the book while working directly with each author to implement a publicity plan that's specific to the their goals, availability, and the genre itself.  While I am not a distributor, Doubt It Publishing will distribute through (and by extension Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online retailers) where we can set a price point and thereby calculate a fair commission for contributors. 
     I've got fifteen years of experience writing for every newspaper, weekly alternative paper and magazine in Buffalo and beyond.  I've promoted my own books in corporate bookstores (Media Play, Borders, FYE), local proprietorships (Talking Leaves, Rust Belt Books), coffee shops (Spot Coffee), nightclubs (Desiderios, Magruders, Lafeyette Tap Room) and more.  I've promoted on the air with Brian Kahle, Country 106.5 FM WYRK, and Time Warner Cable.  As the host of a radio show (The Big Words I Know By Heart Radio Hour) that's gone on to attract hundreds of downloads per month and unique hits in the neighborhood of 100,000 or more, I'm happy to say that I can bend the ear of a specific audience.
     I'm looking to take on one new author per year.  After a successful anthology launch (Voices From The Herd: An Anthology For Buffalo NY), it's time to take Doubt It to new and ambitious heights.  If you're a Buffalo author and you have a polished manuscript, I'd like to hear from you.  Please send a query with a cover letter, and synopsis to  The clock is ticking on 2010.  We've got two months left to select a new distinguished author for 2011. 
      You can print on demand or pay through the ear for a local 'publisher' who's juiced in with all the right people and make less than nothing.  Or you can trust my experience and place your convictions in a fellow writer who's been toiling away in the trenches right along with you.  Life has afforded me a modicum of success, connections and media access.  I'd like to share it with somone else.  My deadline is January 1st, 2011.  Fiction, Nonfiction, or Poetry. I'm specifically looking for short story collections, contemporary fiction or consistent and challenging poetry.  If you have a talent in written word worth promoting (and a desire to actively promote your book in Buffalo), I'd like to partner with you.

Tom Waters
Doubt It Publishing