We're about two weeks away from the final deadline for manuscript submissions for the 2011 Doubt It Publishing Author Of The Year. I'll be reviewing submissions throughout January and should come to a final decision on which author I'll be working with by February 1st, 2011. I'm looking for poetry (full length, no chapbooks), fiction, nonfiction or humor.
Again, please submit all works with your genre in the subject heading of the email, a query letter and an attachment of your feature length work to: bigwordsmailbag@yahoo.com. I don’t charge any reading fees and I don't offer any 'editorial services', but I will be picking the best manuscript for a 2011 publication date as well as a promotional book tour. There are a few early front runners who show promise, but I wouldn't rule out an eleventh hour upset or a surprise wunderkind.
I'll be partnering with a new or existing Buffalo author and splitting the up-front production costs for the interior layout and design, which are minimal. I've got multiple graphic designers who are chomping at the bit to showcase their work for the next Doubt It Publishing publication. Once the book is formatted and proof read, we'll release it in the fall and planning a publicity plan that works best for the material presented. Doubt It will retain 15% of the royalties while the winning author will keep 85%. We'll set the price on the paperback and/or hardcover.
Good luck and keep writing!
Tom Waters
Doubt It Publishing