While Mark McElligott has already begun promoting Random Thoughts From A Broken Mind before his impending book launch in June (radio appearances, a video shoot for Time Warner Cable and a promising invitation to host his own radio show), Doubt It Publishing is splitting focus to look for a promising writer to publish in 2012.
The submission period will run from June 1st to November 1st. Doubt It Publishing is looking for a full length manuscript of fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Genres include fiction, humor, horror, memoir, science fiction or suspense. No romance or self-help, please. If you're sending a poetry manuscript, please make sure that it's marketable material with previously published excerpts. Doubt It focuses ONLY on authors who reside in the Buffalo area and surrounding suburbs.
The final deadline for 2012 consideration is December 1st. Please send a query, full manuscript (attachment) or sample chapter (attachment) to: bigwordsmailbag@yahoo.com.
Mark's book was a refreshing and completely unexpected surprise. I'm looking forward to seeing what other intriguing and exciting works Buffalo has to offer. If you feel that your book has a 'wow' factor, please send it in. If you're willing to actively promote your book, I'm willing to work around the clock to schedule dates and appearances. Writing the book isn't the easy part, but promoting it isn't easier either. Show me that you have the raw talent and the drive to put your book into the hands of a larger audience and Doubt It will publish, promote and stand behind your book and yours alone in 2012.
Tom Waters
Doubt It Publishing
The submission period will run from June 1st to November 1st. Doubt It Publishing is looking for a full length manuscript of fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Genres include fiction, humor, horror, memoir, science fiction or suspense. No romance or self-help, please. If you're sending a poetry manuscript, please make sure that it's marketable material with previously published excerpts. Doubt It focuses ONLY on authors who reside in the Buffalo area and surrounding suburbs.
The final deadline for 2012 consideration is December 1st. Please send a query, full manuscript (attachment) or sample chapter (attachment) to: bigwordsmailbag@yahoo.com.
Mark's book was a refreshing and completely unexpected surprise. I'm looking forward to seeing what other intriguing and exciting works Buffalo has to offer. If you feel that your book has a 'wow' factor, please send it in. If you're willing to actively promote your book, I'm willing to work around the clock to schedule dates and appearances. Writing the book isn't the easy part, but promoting it isn't easier either. Show me that you have the raw talent and the drive to put your book into the hands of a larger audience and Doubt It will publish, promote and stand behind your book and yours alone in 2012.
Tom Waters
Doubt It Publishing