After a marathon of interior formatting and some quick tweaks on graphic designer Bill Dyson's end shortly after a meeting between Mark, Bill and myself, Random Thoughts From A Broken Mind is now officially published and available for purchase! Early First Editions are up for sale on lulu for $14.99 weeks before Mark's first official promotional appearance on April 30th at 7 p.m. at Don's Atomic Comics. Be one of the first to jump into Mark's debut collection of off-beat and self-deprecating rants by clicking over to:
Random Thoughts From A Broken Mind
You can also click on the 'Random Thoughts' link on the links section of the Doubt It Publishing page at any time to order a copy. The book is already selling like hot cakes, so see what all the fuss is about or be one of those people who hop on the bandwagon just before it leaves town!
Congratulations to Mark for his unique mind-set, remarkable talent and a funny bone that's one-of-a-kind. It's been an honor to work with him and I couldn't think of a better first author to represent for Doubt It's first Author Of The Year. Please join in on his success by scooping up his new book, meeting Mark on the road during his promotional onslaught this spring and fall or by sampling Mark's musings on his official web site at:
Both of us look forward to how the book is received. Feel free to post your comments, reviews and thoughts on the book on lulu as well as the Doubt It Publishing site here.
To Mark McElligott and Bill Dyson, great work!
Buy Mark's book!
Tom Waters