Here we go again…
It's July 1st and (as promised), I'm proud to announce the heavily discounted soft launch of Poke The Scorpion With A Sharp Stick, my third collection of angry, funny and oversexed poetry. While I wouldn't say that this go round is tamer than Breathing Room Volume I and II, it is softer somehow. I wrote the bulk of the book right before and right after my wedding, so there's a soft sense of acceptance and inner peaceto the body of work that sets it apart from the other two books. I'm very proud of the collection for the leap forward in originality as well as the design and the format. For those of you willing to take a chance on something different, you won't be disappointed. From now until August (when I plan on promoting the book in Buffalo), Scorpion will be 30% off if you buy direct on Here's your quick link:
After four solid months of interviews, press releases, and appearances for Mockery, I'm ready for a break. Mark McElligott, Dave 'The Real Deal' Waters and I have one more outing at Brennan's Bowery Bar next Sunday (The Brennan's Boxed Trifecta) on Sunday, July 10th at 6 p.m. and then I've got a month off before we kick back into high gear. I've never felt that summer was a good time to promote because there are too many other events going on to compete with, so we'll be resting up and waiting out the season before we get right back into it this fall.
For those of you who helped to make Mockery my fastest-selling book, thank you. It's on target to be my best-selling humor collection to date by year's end. There's a momentum to all of this that seems to be catching up to me this year in a good way. Hopefully most of you will make the leap of faith over to Scorpion and join me for the second half of this year. Things are only going to get better from here on out. There's a lot left to accomplish.
Enjoy your 4th of July and buy my new damned book!
Tom Waters