Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Roll The Bones

The deadline for next year's manuscripts has come and gone. 

We are now at November 1st and after a few false starts, promising first drafts and possible manuscripts, I'm zeroing in on one book for possible publication next year.  While I'd prefer to put out one quality book by a promising new author every year from here on out, that doesn't mean I'll settle.  This summer I looked at a great first draft by a local horror author.  She and I both agreed that the raw materials for the plot were in place but that it still had some room to grow. 

There were a number of other books that crossed my desk, but they just didn't feel right. 

About a week ago, a new author approached me and sent me a sample chapter.  The quality of her voice as a writer and the audacity of her book (for the genre she's shooting for) caught my eye.  While I've never worked in this genre before, the manuscript itself could be well worthy of branching out and learning the market. 

Doubt It Publishing is still a fledgling publishing house.  We've only been around for four years and (despite newbie concerns), a solid catalog is more important than making money.  At the end of the day, I'd rather have a tiny library I can be proud of than a few dollars poorly earned and quickly spent. 

So I leave you with this.  In a month or two, I'll either publish a new author next year or not.  I'm tickled at the thought of tackling a new genre but it all depends on the small details.  My heart tells me to move forward and create a launching pad for a promising author with an incredible voice.  The logical side I retain is so neglected that I await a memo for an appropriate response. 

Expect great news by January or a year of dormancy.  Everything depends on a second revision.  I wish I could say or reveal more, but there's too much at stake.  Random Thoughts From A Broken Mind  was a diamond in the rough and Mark McElligott and I were proud to bring it into the fold.  I hope that this new project is just as fruitful...

Tom Waters
Editor In Chief,
Doubt It Publishing

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